"Gays For Jesus" thoughts
From time to time I will put something  in this window as on the fly thoughts I think would be good to know

Those of you thinking gay is sin I have plenty of places you can contact me or post your explanation of how you get gays in to the Bible.
For instance how did you get arsenokoites to mean gay? or How do you get gang rape to mean gay?)

August 13, 2012
real ID
The REAL ID Card is here! January 15, 2013 is the deadline for states to enact the national ID cards in their state. Many states have made laws to reject this LAW. If you are in a state that voted to be non-compliant you will need to use other ID like your passport to get on a plane or go into a federal court building or VA Hospital.  This is something that has been resisted for decades, but now is being enacted. The star is the symbol you will see on your driver's license if you are compliant. The ID number is "ready to go" to decline actions of buying or selling and more. Your every action will be tracked as it is connection to SSN too.

Real IDYou can see the general location to find the star that will will soon be on your driver's license or other ID in this sample.

August 6, 2012
Very often we see major changes in the preparation of the One World Government. These changes though mostly not reported and kept quiet can be seen with not too much researching or watching a variety of  TV programs on these Last Days issues. Often they present facts and details and sources to show they really are happening. The pressure for the USA is to give up sovereignty over to UN control. The US is in fact doing this and has been inching towards this with specific goals since very early 1900s. Today we really are at a point that each day that passes can be the LAST for our sovereignty. Keep in mind though there are vague symbolic meaning of the USA in Bible prophecy that seems to indicate the USA will bow out of the one world government and side with Israel. It would mean great changes to our way of life as world order would not favor an independent USA. We can strike a strong protective low to Israel's enemies at high cost to us. satan's kingdom will come to power and a strong USA left to fight it is not in the Bible by mid-trib or ealier.

December 2011
 I personally hiked up AcroCorinth to do a TV program at the temple of Aphrodite said to have had over 1000 temple prostitutes. Looking down at Corinth I could see the temple of Apollo in the center of ancient Corinth where Paul wrote the book of Romans. Later that day I did another TV program in front of that temple.  Missing in those ancient settings is info that would hint that Paul was talking about gays, but everywhere you look you could see every indication these 2000 years later that Paul was surrounded by fertility rituals with the most sacred being "male temple prostitutes". We have on record every known Christian writing for some 400 years after Paul wrote the word arsenokoites as well as 1400 years of Greeks using the word. Christians used it 56 times and Greeks used it 73 times. Neither groups ever referred to it even hinting to gays. 1 Cor 6:9 did not begin to be taught gay was sin until 1850 as a result of a USA annual clergy convention.

In Genesis 19:4 it is just amazing how so many Christian really think a detailed description of every boy, every grandpa, every man, and ALL THE PEOPLE (which Hebrew includes women and girls) in two cities that came to rape to death two angels defines gay behaviors. Certainly you know by NOW gays are like str8s as in "boy meets girl they date they fall in love then they marry" You somehow know this is not gang rape, but if the two are of the same sex you call it gang rape because you use Genesis 19:4-5.

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